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Daftar baru lagi nih. 500 Greatest Hollywood Movies Of All Time atau dalam bahasa Indonesianya: 500 Film Hollywood Terbaik Sepanjang Masa (versi saya dong ya). Karena ada frasa "Sepanjang Masa", maka jumlahnya juga bukan hanya 50 atau 100 judul film saja, minimal 500 judul film dan akan saya bagi dalam dua puluh bagian atau 25 film sekali publish. Setidaknya segitu yg terpikir saat ini.

Sedikit cerita. Ada pengalaman unik seputar film di zaman saya kuliah di Yogya dulu. Teman kos saya pernah ngajak saya nemenin dia ke sebuah rental vcd (rental-rental vcd banyak banget di Yogya). Waktu dia lagi bingung milih, saya iseng milihin dia beberapa film. Ternyata setelah nonton, dia suka dengan pilihan-pilihan saya. Sejak itu, hampir setiap mau sewa film, dia selalu ngajak saya. "Reyn deh yg milih" trus  dia ngeloyor pergi. Dia tinggal nyebut mau genre apa. Saya tidak tersinggung krn enjoy. Mudah-mudahan teman saya itu juga mengenang saya di manapun dia berada sekarang. Kenangan itu yg mendorong saya bikin daftar yg butuh banyak waktu dan menguras energi ini. Senang sih, jadi punya proyek baru. Pake nulis dalam buku khusus segala, untuk memastikan tidak ada judul film yg terulang di nomor urut lain.

Berbeda dengan daftar sebelumnya yg urutannya saya susun berdasarkan peringkat, kali ini disusun berdasarkan ingatan saya saja. Jadi semua film sama bagusnya. Dan sekali lagi, ini sekedar versi saya. Remember, just for fun. Sebenarnya saya punya official url di IMDb, tapi berhubung masih dalam proses utak-atik, jadi ntar-ntar aja deh dipublish-nya. Kriteria film yg masuk dalam daftar pertama-tama adalah film-film kelas A, (kalau bisa) sudah pernah saya tonton  biar saya pede bercerita, bagus dalam hal penulisan skenario, penokohan dan pengaturan konflik di dalamnya; memiliki karakter-karakter tokoh memorable atau inspiratif, bukan jenis film mesum  nggak ngasih contoh bagus. 
Menonton film sebenarnya bisa juga dijadikan sebagai "cara menyenangkan belajar bahasa Inggris." Buang buruknya, ambil baiknya. Selain itu saya juga menyertakan "Genre" dan "Kategori Penonton". Siapa tahu ada yg butuh infonya.

Oke, langsung saja.

Sutradara : Victor Fleming
Casts : Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Barbara O'Neill, Thomas Mitchell, Olivia deHavilland, Leslie Howard, Hattie McDaniel, Butterfly McQueen, Evelyn Keyes, Ann Rutherford, Harry Davenport, Laura Hope Crews, George Reeves.
Tagline : "For the thousands who remember its unparalleled drama, action and romance! For the new thousands to whom the wonders will be revealed for the first time! Breathtaking spectacle, inspired acting by the greatest cast ever assembled! The screen's most exciting love story! The most-talked about picture ever made!"
Genre : Drama, Romance, War 
Comment : Best soundtrack and lead actors/ actresses best performances.
Penghargaan : Pemenang sepuluh piala Academy Award, termasuk kategori-kategori bergengsi : Best Actress In A Leading Role untuk Vivien Leigh, Best Actress In A Supporting Role untuk Hattie McDaniel (menjadikannya aktris Afro-America pertama dalam sejarah perfilman Hollywood yg dinominasikan dan memenangkan Piala Oscar), Best Director untuk Victor Flemming dan Best Picture.
Kategori penonton : 18 tahun ke atas.

2. TITANIC (1997)
Sutradara : James Cameron 
Casts : Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Frances Fisher, Kathy Bates, Gloria Stuart, Bill Paxton, Victor Garber, Suzy Amis, Bernard Hill, David Warner. 
Tagline : "Collide With Destiny." 
Genre : Drama, Romance 
Comment : Saya suka nonton film tapi tidak pernah nonton sebuah film lebih dari satu kali. Ini film pertama yg mengubah kebiasaan itu. 
Penghargaan : Pemenang 11 Piala Academy Award (termasuk Kategori Best Director dan Best Picture), Golden Globe Award, People's Choice Awards, Satellite Awards, dll. 
Kategori penonton : 21 tahun keatas.

Sutradara : Penny Marshall
Casts : Geena Davis, Tom Hanks, Madonna, Lori Petty, Rosie O'Donell, Jon Lovitz, David Strathairn, Tracy Reiner, Megan Cavanagh, Bill Pullman, Bitty Schram, Renee Coleman, Tea Leoni, Ann Cusack, Garry Marshall.
Tagline : "This summer, Tom Hanks and the Rockford Peaches prove that a woman's place is at home...first, second & third." 
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Sport 
Comments : Salah satu penampilan terbaik Geena Davis. /Tom Hanks menaikkan berat badan lebih dari 20 kg untuk tampil dalam film ini. /Semua luka dan cidera yang di alami para aktris adalah sungguhan. 
Kategori penonton : Remaja.

Sutradara : Brian De Palma
Casts : Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Robert De Niro, Andy Garcia, Charles Martin Smith, Richard Bradford, Patricia Clarkson, Billy Drago, Don Harvey, Jack Kehoe, Brad Sullivan, Vito D'Ambrosio, Peter Aylward.
Tagline : "What are you prepared to do? Never stop fighting 'till the fight is done." 
Genre : Drama, Action, History 
Comments : Zaman SMA saya, ada satu serial TV yg selalu saya nantikan setiap minggunya di TPI, judulnya The Untouchables (Al Capone diperankan dengan sangat brilian oleh aktor William Forsythe, Si Family Man nan Jujur Elliot Ness dibawakan oleh Tom Amandes dan Polisi Baik sahabat Ness diperankan oleh John Rhys-Davies). Begitu berkesannya serial ini sampe saya tidak ingin menyaksikan versi lain manapun dari versi yg sudah dibawakan oleh trio Forsythe-Amandes-Rhys Davies, apalagi bila hanya dikemas dalam film yg hanya sekali tonton. Sampai pada suatu waktu saya berubah pikiran dan penasaran ingin melihat seperti apa versi filmnya, mengingat ini  kisah nyata. Sebagian besar karakter utama di dalamnya benar-benar pernah ada dalam sejarah. Ternyata dugaan saya salah! Kekurangan film ini mungkin hanya di tiadanya scene pemakaman Wallace dan Mallone. Tapi selain itu, film ini perfect!/ Akting Sean Connery dan Robert De Niro terlihat matang dan sempurna, sementara Andy Garcia juga memberikan salah satu penampilan terbaik sepanjang karirnya. Billy Drago? Pas banget menampilkan sosok hitman paling mengerikan (rasanya mustahil membayangkan ada aktor lain yg sanggup menghidupkan sosok Frank Nitti sebaik Billy Drago), hanya saja sulit mengukur kemampuan akting aktor yg satu ini mengingat ia selalu tampil dengan peran yg itu-itu saja di semua film : bengis, pengkhianat keji atau villain mengerikan./ Soundtrack-nya keren. Sudah nyari ke mana-mana, belum ketemu juga di toko-toko CD./ Mimik dan bahasa tubuh Sean Connery pas di setiap scene yg ia bawakan, seperti mimik dan gerakannya sebelum berkata, "Well then... you just fulfilled the first rule of law enforcement. Make sure when your shift is over, you go home alive. Here end of the lesson" atau saat Elliot Ness memintanya membantu menangkap Al Capone dan kroni-kroninya dan Malone menolak permintaan itu, Ness meninggalkan ruang tamu apartemen Malone. Di sini penonton bisa melihat ia melewati Malone yg sedang berdiri miring bertumpu pada sebelah kakinya dengan kedua tangan berpegangan pada dua perabot yang berbeda. Dengan melihatnya diam seperti itu pun, penonton yang cermat bisa 'membaca' Malone sedang ragu dengan keputusannya sendiri, bahwa ia adalah salah satu polisi baik yang dimiliki Chicago kala itu. Ulasan saya di atas sungguh tidak jauh meleset sebab Sean Connery diganjar Piala Oscar untuk perannya sebagai Jim Malone. His only Oscar so far./ Kalau sampai pada Robert De Niro nggak usah diragukan lagi. Untuk bisa membawakan peran Al Capone secara utuh, ia melacak tukang jahit asli Al Capone dan meminta mereka membuatkannya setelan dari bahan yg sama yg pernah dipakai Capone, juga ia meminta filmmaker menyediakan underwear khusus yg digunakan Capone, meskipun itu tidak akan terlihat dalam film! Karena sudah mengetahui reputasi De Niro sebagai method actor, produser film memenuhi permintaannya. Tanpa mengecilkan peran semua pihak yg terlibat dalam film ini, penampilan Sean Connery dan Robert De Niro punya peranan besar menghadirkan 'ruh' film secara keseluruhan./ Salah satu hal yg saya sukai dari The Untouchables layar lebar versi ini adalah tidak adanya love-scenes dan sejenisnya. Pure action./ Bila melihat poster filmnya sekilas, sulit untuk tidak teringat wajah Bill Murray. Don't you think?/ Patricia Clarkson's film debut.
Best quotes :
-Malone : "Well then... you just fulfilled the first rule of law enforcement. Make sure when your shift is over, you go home alive. Here end of the lesson."

-Malone : "And then what are you prepared to do? If you open the can on these worms you must be prepared to go all the way. Because they're not gonna give up the fight, until one of you is dead. You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! And that's how you get Capone. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?" 
-Alderman : "Mr. Ness, you're an educated man. Let me pay you the compliment of being blunt. There's a large, a large and popular business that you are causing dismay. Why don't you just cross the street and let things take their course." 
-Malone : "You carry a badge? Carry a gun."
-Ness : "1634 Racine... You know i used to have a friend who lived there."
-Malone : "Isn't that just like a wop? Bring a knife to a gun fight."
-Judge : "Bailiff, i want you to go next door to Judge Hoffman's Court, where they've just begun hearing a divorce action. I want you to bring that jury in here and take this jury to his court. Are those instructions clear? Bailiff, i want you to switch the juries!"
-Ness : "Never stop fighting 'till the fight is done. Here end of the lesson!" (Spoke of Malone's words when he first met Malone on the bridge).

Penghargaan : Pemenang satu Piala Academy Award Kategori Best Actor In A Supporting Role untuk Sean Connery, Golden Globe Award, BAFTA Awards, London Film Critics Circle Awards, dll. 
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun keatas.

5. RIPLEY'S GAME (2002)
Sutradara : Liliana Cavani
Casts : John Malkovich, Dougray Scott, Ray Winstone, Lena Headey, Chiara Casselli.
Tagline : "The talented Mr Ripley is back. Older. Wiser. More dangerous."
Genre : Crime, Drama, Mistery
Comments : Diangkat dari novel karangan Patricia Highsmith berjudul sama yang terbit tahun 1974./ Seperti biasa, Malkovich menunjukkan kualitas akting prima.
Favourite Quotes :
-(Conversation between Tom Ripley and Reeves who wears earring before they went in to a building/percakapan antara Tom Ripley dan Reeves yang mengenakan anting-anting sebelum mereka memasuki sebuah gedung):
Ripley : "You're not planning on singing me through the door, are you?" 
Reeves : "I've got the Carregio in here." 
Ripley : "Well, you're not coming in."
Reeves : "I'm f*****g coming in."
Ripley : "No, because it's not a Carregio, it's a *Correggio*. Just like it's not tacco but *ta-a-cco*. Not pasto but *pasta*, see? Your entire education comes from classic car magazine and you dress like you're on a condom run for the mob. By the way, it isn't a Correggio, it's a fake Rembrandt and until you know that, you're not coming in with me." 
Reeves : "Don't f**k me over here, pratt."
Ripley : "Don't threaten me. I'm not the one wearing an ear ring." 
-Tom Ripley : "I want you to call the man who sent you here. I want you to tell him you got a very long look at the two of us, we were definitely not the people on the train. Do you understand? If you do that, you do it convincingly, you walk out of here, we give you half a million dollars, okay? If you don't do it convincingly, I take you out back, and I run my f*****g tractor over your head the rest of the day. Okay?" 
Kategori penonton : Usia 21 tahun keatas.

6. THE FUGITIVE (1993)
Sutradara : Andrew Davis
Casts : Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee-Jones, Joe Pantoliano, Sella Ward, Julianne Moore, Andreas Katsulas, Ron Dean.
Tagline : "A murdered wife. A one-armed man. An obsessed detective. The chase begins."
Genre : Action, Adventure, Crime 
Comment : Sekuel film U.S. Marshall.
Favourite quotes : 
-Conversation :
Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard : "Newman, what are you doing?"
Newman : "I'm thinking."
Samuel Gerard : "Well, think me up a cup of coffee and a chocolate doughnut with some of those little sprinkles on top, while you're thinking." 
-Dr. Richard Kimble : "You missed your stop."  
Penghargaan : Enam nominasi Academy Award, Satu Piala Academy Award untuk Tommy Lee Jones Kategori Best Actor In A Supporting Role, satu piala Golden Globe Kategori Best Actor In A Supporting Role untuk Tommy Lee Jones dan banyak nominasi Awards lainnya. 
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun keatas.

Sutradara : Frank Darabont
Casts : Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, William Sadler, Clancy Brown, James Whitmore, Mark Rolston, Gil Bellows.
Tagline : "Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free."
Genre : Crime, Drama 
Comment : Diangkat dari novel karya Stephen King. My Hubby's fave movie :-) 
Favourite quotes :
-Andy Dufresne : "Get busy living, or get busy dying."
-Red : "Sometimes it makes me sad, though... Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up DOES rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend."
-Parole Hearing Man (PHM) bertanya pada Red pada tahun 1967 :
PHM : "Ellis Boyd Redding, your files say you've served 40 years of a life sentence. Do you feel you've been rehabilitated?"
Red : "Rehabilitated? Well, now let me see. You know, I don't have any idea what that means."
PHM : "Well, it means that you're ready to rejoin society..."
Red : "I know what *you* think it means, sonny. To me it's just a made up word. A politician's word, so young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie, and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did."
PHM : "Well...,are you?"
Red : "There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then: a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit."
Penghargaan : Nominasi tujuh Piala Academy Award, Golden Globe, Camerimage, Director's Guild America, Grammy Awards, Humanitas Prize, dll. 
Kategori penonton : Semua umur (anak-anak dibawah pengawasan orangtua).

Sutradara : Robert Mulligan
Casts : Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, John Megna, Frank Overton, Rosemary Murphy, Ruth White, Brock Peters, Robert Duvall.
Tagline : "The most beloved Pulitzer Prize book now comes vividly alive on the screen!"
Genre : Crime, Drama, Mistery

Comment : Juga diangkat dari novel karangan Harper Lee. Aktor Gregory Peck terus menjalin komunikasi dengan aktris Mary Badham yang menjadi anaknya dalam film ini hingga sang aktor wafat. 
Penghargaan : Pemenang Tiga Piala Academy Award (include Kategori Best Actor In A Leading Role untuk Gregory Peck), Nominasi BAFTA Award, Golden Globe Award, Cannes Film Festival, dll. 
Kategori penonton : Semua umur (anak-anak dibawah pengawasan orangtua).

Sutradara : Steven Soderbergh
Casts : Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, Aaron Eckhart, Marg Helgenberger, David Brisbin, Conchata Ferrell, Valente Rodriguez, Dawn Didawick.
Tagline : "She brought a small town to its feet and a huge corporation to its knees."
Genre : Biografi, Drama 
Comment : Berdasarkan kisah nyata Erin Brockovich. Also, lovely performances of Roberts and Finney. 
Favorite quotes :
-Erin Brockovich : "How 'bout this for a number? Six. That's how old my other daughter is, eight is the age of my son, two is how many times I've been married - and divorced; sixteen is the number of dollars I have in my bank account. 850-3943. That's my phone number, and with all the numbers I gave you, I'm guessing zero is the number of times you're gonna call it." 
Penghargaan : Academy Award Best Actress In A Leading Role untuk Julia Roberts.
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun ke atas.

10. ABOUT SCHMIDT (2002)
Sutradara : Alexander Payne
Casts : Jack Nicolson, Hope Davis, Kathy Bates, Dermot Mulroney, Howard Hesseman.
Tagline :  "Schmidt Happens."
Genre : Drama, Comedy 
Comment : Selalu menyenangkan menyaksikan film-film Jack Nicholson. Film manapun itu. Empat jempol buat aktor veteran yang satu ini. 
Kategori penonton : Semua umur.

11. THE HURRICANE (1999)
Sutradara : Norman Jewison
Casts : Denzel Washington, Vicellous Reon Shannon, Deborah Kara Unger, Liev Schreiber, Rod Steiger, John Hannah, Dan Hedaya, Clancy Brown, Debbi Morgan.
Tagline : Based on the inspirational true story of a champion. 
Genre : Drama, Biography, History 
Comment : Diangkat dari kisah nyata. Salah satu penampilan terbaik Denzel Washington. 
Best quotes :
-Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter : [to the Warden] "I'm innocent. I've committed no crime. A crime's been committed against me."
Penghargaan : Golden Globe Award kategori Pemeran Utama Pria Terbaik untuk Denzel Wasington.
Kategori penonton : Semua umur.

12. THE DEER HUNTER (1978)
Sutradara : Michael Cimino
Casts : Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep, John Cazale, John Savage, George Dzundza, Joe Grifasi, Rutanya Alda.
Tagline : "Best Picture 1978." 
Genre : Drama, War 
Comments : Film yang kental akan dedikasi para pemerannya ini sekaligus juga merupakan film terakhir John Cazale. /Meryl Streep berimprovisasi dengan sebagian besar dialognya. /Akting prima dari ke-empat aktor utama. 
Penghargaan : Pemenang lima Piala Academy Award.
Kategori penonton : Usia 21 tahun keatas.

13. JURRASIC PARK (1993)
Sutradara : Steven Spielberg
Casts : Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Richard Attenborough, Jeff Goldblum, Samuel L. Jackson, Ariana Richards, Joseph Mazzello, Bob Peck, Martin Ferrero.
Tagline : "Life finds a way." 
Genre : Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi 
Comment : Apa ya comment-nya? Pokoknya baguuus dan menghibuuur banget dong. Oya, film ini juga film kenangan masa remaja saya dan adik-adik. Kami nonton film ini bertiga di rumah. 
Penghargaan : Pemenang tiga Piala Academy Award.
Kategori penonton : Semua umur (anak-anak dalam pengawasan orangtua).

Sutradara : Clint Eastwood
Casts : Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Scott Glenn, Dennis Haysbert, Judy Davis, E. G. Marshall, Richard Jenkins, Melora Hardin, Penny Johnson, Kenneth Welsh. 
Tagline : "Corrupts Absolutely." 
Genre : Crime, Drama, Thriller 
Comments : Eastwood menulis, menyutradarai sekaligus membintangi film ini. /Soundtrack-nya keren. / Film terakhir aktor veteran E. G. Marshall. 
Penghargaan : Nominasi Academy Award.
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun ke atas.

15. 12 ANGRY MEN (1957)
Sutradara : Sidney Lumet, William Friedkin 
Casts : Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, Lee J. Cobb, John Fiedler, E.G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, Edward Binns, Jack Warden, Joseph Sweeney, Ed Begley, George Voskovec, Robert Webber. 
Tagline : "Life Is In Their Hands -- Death Is On Their Minds!" 
Genre : Drama, Law 
Comment : Dengan wafatnya Jack Warden (Juri nomor 7) pada 19 Juli 2006 dan Jack Klugman (Juri nomor 5) pada 24 Desember 2012, maka tak ada lagi survivor-casts dari 12 Angry Men.
Penghargaan : Nominasi Academy Award.
Kategori penonton : Semua umur.

16. THE ROCK (1996)
Sutradara : Michael Bay
Casts : Sean Connery, Nicholas Cage, Ed Harris, John Spencer, David Morse, William Forsythe, Michael Biehn, Vanessa Marcil, Tony Todd, John C. McGinley, Gregory Sporleder, Bokeem Woodbine, Danny Nucci, Claire Forlani. 
Tagline : "Alcatraz. Only one man has ever broken out. Now five million lives depend on two men breaking in." 
Genre : Action, Adventure, Thriller 
Comments : The best Bond gave his best performance. Harris and Cage are in their good performances too. / Soundtrack keren./ Selalu menarik melihat penampilan akting, bahasa tubuh dan aksen Sean Connery. Ia diam pun bisa merefleksikan berbagai versi penafsiran bebas. Ini yang saya maksud dengan "bahasa tubuh." Hal seperti ini terlihat puluhan kali dalam The Rock. Demikian juga bila ia berbicara dengan aksen, gerakan badan dan ekspresinya yang khas, contohnya pada adegan di paruh akhir film ketika ia mengatakan "I never say 'thank you' to anyone before. Well, ...thank you." Amazing! Tidak akan terlihat se-berkesan itu bagi penonton bila diucapkan oleh (contohnya) Ashton Kutcher, Kevin Costner atau bahkan aktor kaliber Oscar seperti Jeff Bridges sekalipun. 
Favorite quotes :
-Percakapan antara General Hummel dan John Mason ketika Mason menyerahkan diri dan mereka berhadapan, dikelilingi pasukan tentara bayaran Hummel dan seorang sandera yang siap di eksekusi. 
General Hummel (Hummel) : "Did they bother to tell you who I am and why I'm doing this or are they just using you like they do everybody else?"
John Mason (Mason) : "All I know is that you were big in Vietnam, I saw the highlights on television."
Hummel : "Then you probably have no idea what it means to lead some of the finest men on God's earth into combat and then watch their memories get betrayed by their own f*****g government."
Mason : "I don't quite see how you cherish the memory of the dead by killing another million. And, this is not combat, it's an act of lunacy, General Sir. Personally, I think you're a f*****g idiot."
Hummel : "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson."
Mason : "Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious," according to ummm... Oscar Wilde."
[Hummel strikes him, and he falls to his knees
Mason : "Thank you for making my point." 
Penghargaan : Nominasi Academy Award.
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun ke atas.

17. IN HER SHOES (2005)
Sutradara : Curtis Hanson
Casts : Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette, Shirley McLaine, Richard Burgi, Mark Feurstein, Candice Azzara, Brooke Smith, Terrance Christopher Jones.
Tagline :  "Friends. Rivals. Sisters." 
Genre : Drama, Comedy, Romance 
Comment : Cute movie. / Best performance of Cameron Diaz.
Penghargaan : Nominasi Academy Award.
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun ke atas.

Sutradara : Robert Benton
Casts : Sally Field, Danny Glover, Ed Harris, John Malkovich, Amy Madigan, Terry O'Quinn, Bert Remsen, Ray Baker, Jay Petersen, Yankton Hatten, Lane Smith.
Tagline : "The story of a woman fighting for her children, for her land, for the greatest dream there is...the future." 
Genre : Drama 
Comment : Ed Harris dan Amy Madigan menikah setelah bekerjasama dalam film ini.
Penghargaan : Pemenang dua Piala Academy Award.
Kategori penonton : Semua umur.

Sutradara : Simon Wincer 
Casts : Don Johnson, Mickey Rourke, Chelsea Field, Giancarlo Esposito, Tom Sizemore, Daniel Baldwin, Vanessa Williams, Robert Ginty, Tia Carrere, Julius Harris, Kelly Hu, Big John Studd. 
Tagline : "When the going gets tough... the tough take the law into their own hands." 
Genre : Action, Crime, Drama 
Comments : Film ini dikatakan keren karena banyak hal. Pertama, dari judulnya saja sudah menarik perhatian orang; kedua, adegan-adegan action-nya seru; ketiga, scenes dan dialog-dialog kocaknya yang mengundang senyum; keempat, it's a unique way how the script writer made an action scene somehow looks so funny as well; etc, etc./ Best performances of the two lead actors : Don Johnson and Mickey Rourke. 
Best quotes :
-Marlboro : "My old man told me, before he left this shitty world, the right woman can make ya, and the wrong woman can break ya."
-Harley : "You know, if I had a nickel for every time some piece of s**t pointed a gun at me I'd be a rich man." 
-Marlboro : "You know, that gun costs about two dollars every time you fire it. That's two bucks a bullet." 
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun keatas.

Sutradara : Ron Shelton
Casts : Woody Harrelson, Wesley Snipes, Rosie Perez, Tyra Ferrell, Kadeem Hardison, Ernest Harden Jr., John Marshall Jones, Marques Johnson, David Roberson, Nigel Miguel, Duane Martin. 
Tagline : "It ain't easy being this good." 
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Sport 
Comments : Film ini kaya akan dialog-dialog bermutu meskipun sayangnya--seperti kebanyakan film-film sejenis produksi tahun 1990-an--banyak "bertebaran" kata-kata kasar./ Salah satu penampilan akting terbaik dari Woody Harrelson. 
Best quotes :
-Billy Hoyle : "I'll tell you what. Why don't we take all these bricks and build a shelter for the homeless, so maybe your mother will have a place to stay."
-Rhonda Deane : "All I care about is getting out of the Vista View apartments, because there ain't no "vista", there ain't no "view", and there certainly ain't no vista of no view."
-Gloria Clemente : "Sometimes when you win, you really lose, and sometimes when you lose, you really win, and sometimes when you win or lose, you actually tie, and sometimes when you tie, you actually win or lose. Winning or losing is all one organic mechanism, from which one extracts what one needs."
-Sidney Deane : "Oh man shut your anorexic malnutrition tapeworm-having overdose on Dick Gregory Bahamian diet-drinking a** up. Leave me alone!" 
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun keatas.

21. DAD (1989)
Sutradara : Gary David Goldberg 
Casts : Jack Lemmon, Ted Danson, Ethan Hawke, Olympia Dukakis, Kevin Spacey, Kathy Baker, J. T. Walsh, Zakes Mokae. 
Tagline : "Sometimes the greatest man you ever meet ... is the first one." 
Genre : Drama, Comedy 
Comments : Lucu, terutama saat tokoh yang diperankan Danson mengantar ayahnya kursus menyetir mobil. / Film ini menandai pertamakalinya saya melihat Jack Lemmon berakting dalam usia uzur  sebelum saya menyaksikannya dalam film televisi 12 Angry Men.
Penghargaan : Nominasi Academy Award. 
Kategori penonton : Semua umur.

Sutradara : Alan J. Pakula 
Casts : Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Jack Warden, Jason Robards, Martin Balsam, Hal Holbrook, Jane Alexander, Meredith Baxter, Ned Beatty, F. Murray Abraham, David Arkin, Dominic Chianese. 
Tagline : "At times it looked like it might cost them their jobs, their reputations, and maybe even their lives." 
Genre : Drama, History, Mistery, Thriller 
Comments : Nontonnya dengan full konsentrasi ya? Ini salah satu contoh film "padat"./ This was the first film Jimmy Carter watched during his presidential tenure. 
Best quotes :
-(Percakapan antara Scott dan Howard Simons)
Scott, Foreign Editor : "Well, it's not that we're using nameless sources that bothers me. Or that everything we print, the White House denies. Or that no other papers are reprinting our stuff."
Howard Simons : "What then?"
Scott, Foreign Editor : "Look, there are two thousand reporters in this town, are there five on Watergate? When did the Washington Post suddenly get the monopoly on wisdom? Why would the Republicans do it? McGovern's self-destructed just like Humphrey, Muskie, the bunch of them. I don't believe this story. It doesn't make sense."
-Ben Bradlee : "You know the results of the latest Gallup Poll? Half the country never even heard of the word Watergate. Nobody gives a shit. You guys are probably pretty tired, right? Well, you should be. Go on home, get a nice hot bath. Rest up... 15 minutes. Then get your asses back in gear. We're under a lot of pressure, you know, and you put us there. Nothing's riding on this except the, uh, first amendment to the Constitution, freedom of the press, and maybe the future of the country. Not that any of that matters, but if you guys fuck up again, I'm going to get mad. Goodnight." 
-Ben Bradlee : "Goddammit, when is somebody going to go on the record in this story? You guys are about to write a story that says the former Attorney General, the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in this country, is a crook! Just be sure you're right."
-Bob Woodward : "If you're gonna do it, do it right. If you're gonna hype it, hype it with the facts. I don't mind what you did. I mind the way you did it."
-Carl Bernstein : [Walking up to the Sloans' house] "All these neat, little houses and all these nice, little streets... It's hard to believe that something's wrong with some of those little houses." 
Penghargaan : Pemenang empat Academy Award. 
Kategori penonton : Semua umur.

Sutradara : Callie Khouri 
Casts : Ellen Burstyn, Ashley Judd, James Garner, Sandra Bullock, Maggie Smith, Fionulla Flanagan, Cherry Jones, Shirley Knight, Angus Macfadyen, Jacqueline McKenzie. 
Tagline : "The Secret Is Out." 
Genre : Drama 
Comment : Syuting film dilakukan di Wilmington, North Carolina pada saat yang bersamaan dengan pembuatan film A Walk To Remember (2002) 
Best quotes :
-Caro : "The only disease that can survive in our bloodstreams is alcoholism."
-Little Vivi : "We are the flames of the fires, the whirling of the winds. We are the waters of the rains and the rivers and the oceans. We are the rocks and the stones. And now by the power invested in me, I declare we are the mighty Ya-Ya priestesses. Let no man put us under. Now our blood flows through each other as it's done for all eternity. Loyal forever. We raise our voices in the words of Mumbo Gumbo... YA-YA!"    
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun keatas.

Sutradara : Doug Liman 
Casts : Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Clive Owen, Brian Cox, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Gabriel Mann, Walton Goggins, Josh Hamilton, Julia Stiles. 
Tagline : "Danger is Bourne." 
Genre : Action, Crime, Mystery, Thriller 
Comments : Film action ini diangkat dari novel karya Robert Ludlum, yang sayangnya keburu wafat saat film masih berada dalam proses postproduction (12 Maret 2001)./ Karakter yang diperankan oleh Clive Owen benar-benar menyetir BMW seperti ia menyetir mobil itu dalam iklan BMW./ Atas permintaan Produser Frank Marshall, sebagian besar prajurit Marinir di Konsulat Zurich adalah Marine Security Guards asli yang sedang bertugas di kedubes-kedubes di seluruh Eropa. Mereka mengenakan seragam asli masing-masing, mengikuti arahan-arahan sutradara dan melakukan taktik-taktik asli yang semestinya dilakukan bila terjadi ancaman keamanan di kedutaan. 
Best quotes :
-Jason Bourne : "I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab or the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that? How can I know that and not know who I am?"
-Marie : "I've got the records. This guy at the front desk was smiling at me, so I thought, all this trouble, maybe it's easier to just ask for them."  
Kategori penonton : Usia 18 tahun keatas.

25. THE PATRIOT (2000)
Sutradara : Roland Emmerich 
Casts : Mel Gibson, Jason Isaacs, Heath Ledger, Joely Richardson, Logan Lerman, Tcheky Karyo, Rene Auberjonois, Tom Wilkinson, Lisa Brenner, Leon Rippy, Donal Logue, Adam Baldwin, Jay Arlen Jones, Joey D. Vieira. 
Tagline : "Before they were soldiers, they were family. Before they were legends, they were heros. Before there was a nation, there was a fight for freedom." 
Genre : Action, Drama, War 
Comment : Best performances of Jason Isaacs and Tom Wilkinson.  
Best quotes : 
-Benjamin Martin : "I have long feared that my sins would return to visit me, and the cost is more than I can bear."
-Benjamin Martin : "They refuse to give me their names, but the ranks are nine lieutenants, five captains, three majors, and one very fat colonel who called me a... "cheeky fellow."" 
Penghargaan : Nominasi Academy Award. 
Kategori penonton : Semua umur (anak-anak dalam pengawasan orangtua).

To be continued. Terimakasih.

Wassalam and good day.
